Kursiniai darbai

Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts

9.2   (2 atsiliepimai)
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 1 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 2 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 3 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 4 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 5 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 6 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 7 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 8 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 9 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 10 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 11 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 12 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 13 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 14 puslapis
Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts 15 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Vilnius, 2008
Introduction 2
What is a cliché? 4
Why clichés should be used, although it is said we should avoid them? 4
A contract 5
Legal language 8
Practical part 9
Conclusion 13
Literature 14
A word cliché is known almost to everyone but does everyone can recognize them. I asked so many people do they know what a cliché is and almost none of them could answer. Some of them were interested in that. I think that every person who wants to be sophisticated should be interested.
Everyone knows what a contract is, but not everyone goes deep into structure of a contract.
As I was looking for information about contracts I saw that the object was analyzed widely and I found the information easily. Talking about the clichés there wasn’t that much information, so it was hard to find it. I put everything what I had about clichés.
I will discuss all subjects that include this project: Clichés in Contracts and their Lithuanian Counterparts.
The objects of analysis:
• Cliché
• Contract
• Legal language
I am going to explain what a cliché is, and try to answer the question why clichés should be used, although it is said we should avoid them.
I am going to talk not only about what is a contract but also to expand the contract subject and talk about its structure, legal elements and its types, and also the legal language that is the part of the contracts.
Practical part
The practical part includes the examples of clichés in English and Lithuanian languages.
Almost all information I have found in internet, some in the library, also I have tried to find information in dictionaries. The references will be written in the … page.
Theoretical part includes explaining about the objects of analysis written above.
Practical part includes the examples which are written in alphabetical order. First language is English, second is Lithuanian.
What is a...

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Detali informacija
Darbo tipas
✅ Šaltiniai yra
Failo tipas
Word failas (.doc)
15 psl., (2534 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Anglų kalbos kursinis darbas
  • 15 psl., (2534 ž.)
  • Word failas 83 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai
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