
Dinosaurs and Evolution

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Dinosaurs and Evolution 1 puslapis
Dinosaurs and Evolution 2 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

When dinosaur bones were first found they thought that they belonged to giant lizards. The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". The larger dinosaurs must have seemed to be terrible to the smaller animals. Some of the first dinosaurs were only about as big as a small dog. That is how big the horses of that time were. Over the years, as the dinosaurs aged, they grew to be much more large in size. The sizes of dinosaurs ranged greatly, all the way from two feet long to one hundred and fifty feet long. They weighed as much as fifty tons, which is seven African Bull Elephants.We first discovered the fossils and bones shortly under the surface of the Earth. After scientists got more into the study they started to dig deeper down. The fossils get so deep because of the years of rocks and dirt that were piled up on it. Some also get buried if a dinosaur were to die next to a river, and over the years the river probably changed courses a little, so therefore the bones would be covered up. They would actually be in the bank of the river.
The Evolutionary theory states that everything evolved over millions of years. Evolutionists say that dinosaurs came from six million years back. They also say that the Earth is four to six billion years old. They say that fifty million years ago there was horses no bigger than dogs, and birds as tall as man, three hundred million years ago giant dragon flies buzzed around in the large forests, six million years ago small animals, called trilobites, lived in the sea and were rulers of the world. Evolutionists think that the world started off with just plants on it, then came many- legged animals from the sea (walking...

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