
The Olympic Games

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The Olympic Games 1 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

The Olympic Games are one of the planet’s greatest sporting spectacles. Every four years, the world focuses its attention on the lucky city that is hosting the Games, as thousands of athletes take part in hundreds of different sports events.
The Olympic Games have a long and impressive history. The modern Games date back to 1896, but the original Olympian Games go back much further still. The ancient Greeks regularly arranged sporting competitions, but by far the most famous were the Olympian Games, which took place at Olympia every four years. The Games were officially held for the first time in 776 BC, although games had certainly taken place there long before then. Historians have discovered lists of winners from the Games between 776 BC and 217 AD, and they also know that the Games were not abolished until 393 AD. Amazingly, that’s over 1100 years of sporting competition. The Olympian Games were always held in the summer, and athletes from all the Greek city states were invited to come and take part.
This idea of bringing people together was one of the main reasons for creating the modern Olympic Games. The founder of the modern Games was a French sportsman and educator, Baron Pierre de Coubertin. In 1892, he proposed restarting the Games, in the hope that this would help bring about peace and encourage international sporting competition. Just four years later, the first modern Olympics took place in Athens. It was a fairly small affair, with fewer than 300 athletes from 13 countries competing in 42 different events, but the Games were considered to be a great success. One definite highlight, especially popular with the hosts, was when Louis Spiridon, a Greek shepherd, won the marathon event.
Ever since then, the Games have gone from strength to strength. In Paris, in...

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