
My Ideal Home

9.8   (3 atsiliepimai)
My Ideal Home 1 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

I think that the ideal home will be beautiful. It was be very big. My house will be made of wood and glass. In wooden walls and in the roof there will be very big windows. My house will have ground floor, afirst floor and garret. In my beautiful, light kitchen there will be a round table, cupboards and kitchen utensiles. I would like to have a large, but dark living room. There will be a fireplace, a rocking - chair and a lot of shelves with books.
I will have a big bathroom with a shower and bath. Of course in my house there will be bedroom. Everything in the bedroom will be white and sky blue: a bed, a wardrobe, a carpet and curtains. The house which I can see in my dreams smells of exotic flowers. There is a lot of plants, pictures, ornaments and souvenirs in this house. There are my friends drinking tea. I can hear my dog bark from garden and Music Instractor’s music. I hope that I will be able to live in such house which I have described.
I want, that my house will have eight rooms. In one of them will be television set sixtieth inch. and cinema house firms Pionieer’s. following room will be room of plays and games, will be here: billiards, table to ping-pong. I would like that in my house sounded music all the time. Outside will be big garden, basin with huge chuteI would like driving to my toilet in Honda CBR 929. In the future a will have a computer performance class. But home is not only a building. It is also the family. My ideal family would be as big as ideal building, which I have described.
My imagination house will be in the country. Because I...

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1 psl., (863 ž.)
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  • Anglų kalbos rašinys
  • 1 psl., (863 ž.)
  • Word failas 23 KB
  • Lygis: Mokyklinis
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