
A social profile

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A social profile 2 puslapis
A social profile 3 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Sociologists define social class as the grouping of people by occupations. But it is very general definition. Even within a society, different people may have very different ideas about what makes one "high" or "low" in the class system. The most basic class distinction between the two groups is between the powerful and the powerless. Doctors and lawyers and university teachers are given more status than unskilled labourers. The different positions represent different levels of power, influence and money.
1. the Upper Class - consist of people with inherited wealth, and includes some of the oldest families, landowners, judges, senior professionals, top managers.
2. the Middle Class. This class is often sub-divided into two or three groups. Include industrialists, professionals, businesspeople and shop owners.
3. Lower or Working Class. Mostly agricultural and factory workers.
People are considered to belong to one or another class according to their speech(accent), habits, pastimes, income, education.
In addition, the term ‘underclass’ has been used in recent years. This class involves permanently unemployed, single parent families, the very poor and those with alternative lifestyles.
Most people mix socially with the same kind of people as their work colleagues and usually live in streets or neighbourhoods which reflect that social grouping.
America: There is a myth that there is no class distinction in America. Here the idea of class is notably embarrassing. Class distinctions in America are so complicated and subtle that foreign visitors often miss the existence of a class structure. It is true, that Americans, unlike Britains, are not obsessed with class. There are no titles, no nobility, no open aristocracy, but there is an informal nobility, based on the ownership of wealth. What Americans mean by classlessness is equality of opportunity. Those who obtain responsible positions are unlikely to lose respect, if there parents or grand parents were of humble...

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Mūsų svetainėje pateikiama dešimtys tūkstančių skirtingų rašto darbų, kuriuos įkėlė daugybė moksleivių ir studentų su skirtingais gabumais. Būtent šis rašto darbas yra patikrintas specialistų ir rekomenduojamas kitų klientų, kurie po atsisiuntimo įvertino šį mokslo darbą teigiamai. Todėl galite būti tikri, kad šis pasirinkimas geriausias!

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3 psl., (1177 ž.)
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  • Anglų kalbos rašinys
  • 3 psl., (1177 ž.)
  • Word failas 35 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
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Puiki svetainė, refleksija pilnai pateisino visus lūkesčius.
Greta Moksleivė
Pirkau rašto darbą, viskas gerai.
Skaistė Studentė
Užmačiau šią svetainę kursiokės kompiuteryje. :D Ką galiu pasakyti, iš kitur ir nebesisiunčiu, kai čia yra viskas ko reikia.
Palaukite! Šį darbą galite atsisiųsti visiškai NEMOKAMAI! Įkelkite bet kokį savo turimą mokslo darbą ir už kiekvieną įkeltą darbą būsite apdovanoti - gausite dovanų kodus, skirtus nemokamai parsisiųsti jums reikalingus rašto darbus.
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