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Geographic location systems

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Geographic location systems 1 puslapis
Geographic location systems 2 puslapis
Geographic location systems 3 puslapis
Geographic location systems 4 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

The system of geographically parceling land in the United States has undergone changes since the American Revolution.
During the American colonial period, land subdivision was accomplished by metes-and-bounds surveys. Irregularly shaped parcels were segregated by surveying between visible features on the ground, such as boulder, piles of stone, trees, or fence corners. With the passage of time these objects had a way of disappearing, and retracing landlines has been difficult if not impossible.
Land in the United States, other that the 13 original colonies, is divided into units of the System of Rectangular Surveys. Land is still parceled by the System of Rectangular Surveys on a variety of map sources in the United States. Anyone using county tax assessor’s plat books, USGS quadrangle sheets, U.S. Soil Conservation soil type maps, U.S. Forest service timber type maps, and other similar documents will come in contact with this land subdivision procedure.
Between 1803 and 1956 a number of initial reference points were established throughout the United States. In some localities a single reference point may serve more than one state. There are also situations where several initial reference points fall within a single state. For instance, Alaska contains five reference points. Using these points as initial surveying references, land is broken into townships, each 6mi2 (640 acres). Figure 10.1 indicates the standard pattern in which sections within a township are numbered.
Figure 10.2 is a copy of a segment of a USGS quadrangle sheet showing the System of Rectangular Surveys. Note that the upper left corner R2E (along top margin) and T41N (along left margin) designate range and township coordinates, and the number group (36. 31. 1. 6) indicated the intersection of four individual sections.
When sections are subdivided into fractions for land parceling, the description begins at the smallest unit and works upward through the hierarchy....

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4 psl., (1313 ž.)
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  • Geografijos namų darbas
  • 4 psl., (1313 ž.)
  • Word failas 34 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis Atsisiųsti šį namų darbą
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