
Horse therapia

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Horse therapia 1 puslapis
Horse therapia 2 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

»One, two, three. One, two, three «, Anna* counts out loud and pats Jack's left shoulder, then his right, and then his rump three times. Then she leans forward and throws her arms round the horse's neck - this is the way she greets Jack at her weekly riding lesson. Visiting Jack regularly means a great deal to the little girl. It helps her overcome her handi­cap: Anna is partially blind.
Nine-year-old Anna's senses respond to the horse's movements and smell. All the children in the second form at the School for the Blind in Bielefeld, Germany, take therapeutic riding lessons with Jack. They are taught by a special riding teacher: Franziska*. Therapist and horse are both specially trained, and can help blind children and disturbed youngsters as well as young people with mental illnesses. It takes a long time to train as a riding therapist: first you have to have an academic degree in Education Studies, then you have to learn how to teach people to ride and perform vaulting exercises on horseback, and finally you have to acquire a further qualification to be able to give therapeutic riding lessons. There are special seminars available where you can acquire the required knowledge and qualifications. In Germany, these are orga­nised by the »Deutsche Kuratorium fur Therapeutisches Reiten« and take place in different locations throughout the country.
The horse, Jack, had already received special training for twelve months when Franziska bought him and began to use him for her therapeutic riding lessons. Jack had to learn to obey com­mands, and get used to working with handicapped children. »The horse must be reliable in all situations«, the riding teacher ex­plains, »He is the children's best friend and they know they can rely on him and he can help them in their individual develop­ment.
Anna, for...

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2 psl., (774 ž.)
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  • 2 psl., (774 ž.)
  • Word failas 28 KB
  • Lygis: Mokyklinis
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