
Medicine today

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Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Alternative medicine is any form of health care that is not provided by conventional doctors and nurses, but officially registered. Acupuncture is one of alternative therapies based on stimulating the body to produce natural pain – relieving substances called endorphins, and by blocking the passage of pain impulses along the nerves. Alexander technique teach the patient better posture. Manipulation is a technique of pushing the soft tissues or the bones back into place. Manipulation can use gentle techniques like massage and violent thrusts like osteopathy, chiropracty. There are differences between chiropracty and osteopathy. Chiropracty are hostile to any form of conventional treatment, techniques are usually more aggressive than those of the osteopath.
Biofeedback depends on adjustments within the nervous system and in hormones which control blood pressure. Also it can be done by meditation and relaxation therapy.
Homeopathy is another therapy which does no harm. Homeopathic remedies are usually prepared from a mixture of crushed plants diluted many times.
It‘s important that conventional medicine is divided into specialities when alternative medicine based on the principle of holism – treatment of the whole patient. Furthermore, alternative therapists give more time for patient than conventional doctors.
In twenty first century children suffer from inherited diseases. One of the most genetic diseases are chromosome disorders. For example, Turner‘s syndrome means that embryo have 45 chromosomes. In a result, girl with this syndrome don‘t have normal womb and ovaries, she is infertile. Boys can‘t survive. On the other hand, children can have too many chromosomes, like Down‘s syndrome, and then they are mentally retarded.
If a pregnant mother have a chromosome abnormality, it shows amniocentesis. Doctor take out some amniotic fluid, but a procedure is risky, because can cause accidental abortion.
Single – gene defects also causes genetic diseases. Like a retinoblastoma – a cancer of the eye in babies,it...

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7 psl., (3368 ž.)
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  • Anglų kalbos rašinys
  • 7 psl., (3368 ž.)
  • Word failas 78 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
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