
My favourite book

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My favourite book 8 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Its title is Romeo and Juliet. The tragedy was written by the greatest English playwright of all times – William Shakespeare. He is also famous for his sonnets which were written for the Dark lady. All in all, William Shakespeare is the author of 37 plays. They include tragedies, comedies and historical dramas. I came across this book in the public library and found a need to be acquainted with the plot of it. I do not remember the number of pages in that book. I think it is over one hundred. There are no illustrations there.
The tragedy is about two lovers. The action is set in Verona. The family of Montague hates the family of Juliet Capulet. Romeo Montague meets Juliet at the ball and falls in love. The young people love each other very much and ask Friar Laurence to marry them. Later events show that Juliet used some medicine as she was forced to get married to the other man. The drops made her look as if she was dead. Romeo learns about Juliet’s death and kills himself. In some hours Juliet wakes up. When she sees Romeo dead, she kills herself. In the end the Montagues and the Capulets become good friends. The book is worthwhile reading and I recommended my friends to read it.
As time passes, people are changing as well as their enjoyments. In their childhood they like one thing, but maybe later they’ll prefer something else. it’s because of the people’s knowledge they get improving (tobulindami) themselves. I can’t confirm, that the book I like most of all now is the unique one. Reading more books, I’m sure I’ll find the new and more interesting books. that’s why I decided to tell you not about my favourite book “The firm” by John Grisham,...

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