
Renewable energy

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Renewable energy 6 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

What is renewable energy? The term has two basic components, neither of which necessarily defines itself. Renewable energy is the term used to describe those energy flows that occur naturally and repeatedly in the environment, e.g. from the sun, the wind and the oceans, and from plants and the fall of water. It also refers to the energy available from the emerging clean technology of fuel cells, unless the electricity used to charge such fuel cells is sourced from conventional non-renewable sources.
Any discussion of renewable energy must first deal with the more general concept, energy. The term is often used quite loosely in everyday conversation. For example, we speak of ourselves or others as folks who need energy just to get out of the bed in the morning or kids who are 'bundles of energy".
Everyday living aside, the concept of energy also has a technical side and science commonly represents it abstractly, referring to it as an ability to perform work. From an even more technical scientific starting point, the first law of thermodynamics states, "In all physical and chemical changes, energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one form to another." Using science as a starting point, energy can be defined as things around us that change forms in order to perform a task.
 Biomass
 Geothermal (heat from under the earth)
 Solar
 Water
 Wind
In theory these sources are infinitely available. As long as the earth continues to revolve around the sun, the sun will continue to produce harvestable energy. Heat from the sun additionally creates atmospheric conditions conducive to wind and water production, although not in even quantities throughout the world or with scientific precision in any one particular location. Finally, the sun produces the light necessary for growing the plants and trees which constitute...

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Mūsų svetainėje pateikiama dešimtys tūkstančių skirtingų rašto darbų, kuriuos įkėlė daugybė moksleivių ir studentų su skirtingais gabumais. Būtent šis rašto darbas yra patikrintas specialistų ir rekomenduojamas kitų klientų, kurie po atsisiuntimo įvertino šį mokslo darbą teigiamai. Todėl galite būti tikri, kad šis pasirinkimas geriausias!

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✅ Šaltiniai yra
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6 psl., (1438 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Anglų kalbos rašinys
  • 6 psl., (1438 ž.)
  • Word failas 31 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai
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Skaistė Studentė
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