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Superstitions 1 puslapis
Superstitions 2 puslapis
Superstitions 3 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

People tend to believe in other worlds or in something that cannot be named. Something that is beyond, that could have created the universe or something invisible that believes in fate, but almost every one of us has beliefs called superstitions. Beliefs that certain things or events may bring bad or good luck are very deep in unconsciousness. They do not have any logical proof, but they influence the everyday life and we may not even know that are superstitious. As far I understood while reading different articles on this topic, superstitions are matter of history and culture.
I would like to give an overview of most popular superstitions in the U.S. and Lithuania, to mention similarities and differences between these countries. Firstly I will introduce the most popular omens of bad luck, and then different ways people try to ensure good luck.
In comparison to Lithuanians Americans are more direct about this superstition: they do not have the 13th store in buildings and there is no 13th row in airplanes either. Where did this superstition come from? It has a religious origin. This number is unlucky because there were 13 people having the Last Supper. Indeed, this number not considered to be unlucky in non- Christian countries.
A black cat is another popular omen of bad luck. The roots of this superstition are in the Middle Ages. Black cat (an attribute of witch) was considered evil animal. Lithuanians and Americans believe that when a black crosses a path, something bad will happened.
Different historical circumstances have created superstitions in the U.S., which are absent in Lithuania. For example, it was a custom to hang criminals from ladders. That is why to walk under a ladder learning against a wall may cause bad luck in the U.S. Lithuanians don’t care about it at all.

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